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Cut and Core Logo

Catagunya Dam Concrete Coring Project

Our engagement by head contractor Hydro Tasmania from March, 2009 saw us undertake 54 concrete core drilling holes measuring 1225mm diameter and 3300mm deep.


In collaboration with Berry Techcon we completed this project well ahead of schedule with no lost time injuries, zero environmental incidents, and within budget. 

Scope of work

Our scope of work involved coring holes at 1225mm in diameter and up to 3300mm deep.


These holes were pivotal, allowing other contractors to perform down-hole drilling of 350mm diameter holes for the installation of post-tensioned anchors.


Coring on the spillway face, inclined at 52 degrees, presented a significant challenge to be overcome in ensuring we were drilling plumb.


To ensure precise drilling, a specialised system was devised and implemented, enabling us to initiate the holes accurately and maintain verticality despite encountering substantial steel reinforcement.


Our diamond drill segments were tailored to handle such scenarios and we completed our tasks ahead of time and within budget.

Key Services Provided

  • Consultation

  • Bespoke equipment designed by Barry Techon

  • Environmental impact minimisation design

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